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Dr Ewen Blaikie

Orthopaedic Surgeon
ANZCVS in small animal surgery
Visiting Orthopaedic and Soft Tissue Surgeon
Dr Blaikie graduated from Murdoch in 1994. Jut to fulfil his keen interest in small animal surgery Dr Blaikie passed his examination in 2018 to achieve the membership with the ANZCVS in small animal surgery. He routinely performs orthopaedic procedures such as TTO, de-Angelis, MLP, FHO, fracture repair plating, and other soft tissue procedures such as BOAS correction, salivary sialocoeles, axial pattern skin flaps, urethrostomy, and ear canal ablations. Dr Blaikie has been performing orthopaedic surgeries at Canning Vale Vet since 2020 with 100% success rate.