Our Team

Sophie Lavery

CERT IV, Registered Vet Nurse

Sophie came to us as a trainee vet nurse in 2020. After completing her Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing, she joined our team a vet nurse in January 2021. Sophie is a fast learner and as of now she is the head nurse and manages day to day activities of reception and surgeries. She has since then grown as a vet nurse and helps train other vet nursing students.We call her our little walkie talkie or Dr Ram’s other daughter.

Sophie is happily married to her husband Tim. She has an elderly dog Boris who is a Pugalier and a naughty young pug named Pretzel. Pretzel is an Instagram star @itspretzel.thepug She also has 1 rex guinea pig named Grumble. A group of pugs is called a grumble, you can tell that she is certainly a pug crazy.